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Sycon Canal System With Diagram

                                     Canal system in Sycon  A sea creature called a sycon, or scypha , is usually found clinging to rocks or other surfaces. These creatures have tube-shaped bodies that open outward with the help of a hole called an Osculum . They have tiny openings called Spiracles and Ostia all over their bodies to let water in. This water flows through canals inside their bodies and comes out through the Osculum, which is a larger opening used for breathing. We'll observe the shape of this canal system, why it is essential for those animals, type of canal system , and  its significance. The Sycon Type Canal system is the unique feature of the phylum Porifera . This system is also known as the  aquiferous canal system . This system supports the significant function of the body like nutrition, respiration, excretion, etc. History Overview -  Gran...

Best Human Circulatory System Notes for Class 12th Biology Students

                     Human Circulatory System  Human Circulatory system consist of heart , blood vessles & blood. Heart is mesodermal in nature. It is situated in the thoracic cavity , in between the two lungs.  The double membrane that surround the heart is known as Pericardium.  Pericardium circles the pericardial luid. Heart is 4 chamber with 2 upper small atria & 2 lower long ventricles. A thin wall seperates the left & right atria called Intra-atrial septum . The left & the right ventricles are seperated by thick Intra-ventricular septum .  The opening between the right atrium & right ventricles is guarded by a valve know as Tricuspid Valve . The Bicuspid Valve guards the opening between left atrium & left ventricles . The opening of right & left ventricles inton the pulmoery artry & the aorta. respectivelyare provided with the semilunalr valve. This valve in the heart allows...

Short Notes On Anatomy Of Dicot Stems in Plants - 12th Biology Notes

      Anatomy Of Dicot Stems In Plants  Good Morning Students !  Do you know what is anatomy ?  What is Anatomy? Anatomy is the study of the internal structure of living organisms. When we talk about anatomy in plants, we're referring to how the different parts of the plant's body are arranged and structured. Today, we're going to focus on the anatomy of a dicot stem in plants. 1. Epidermis The epidermis is the outermost protective layer of the stem. It's the first line of defense against external factors. The epidermis is covered by a thin layer of cuticle , which helps in reducing water loss. It may also have a few stomata , which are tiny pores responsible for gas exchange. 2. Hypodermis Just beneath the epidermis lies the hypodermis . This layer consists of collenchymatous cells , which provide mechanical strength to the young stem. These cells are thickened at the corners, making the stem rigid and helping it to stand upright. 3. Cortex Next, we mov...

Mitochondria - The Powerhouse Of The Cell

                           Mitochondria Structure                                             Mitochondria are filamentous or granular cytoplasmic organelles called "the powerhouse of the cell" . Under light microscope mitochondria are seen in the form of thread like structure , therefore they are named as Mitochondria .  Mitochondria was first observed by Kolliker  in 1880 & later Fleming in 1882. The term Mitochondria was given by Benda (1897).  Distribution - Mitochondria are uniformly distributed in the cytoplasm of all eukaryotic cells. They are absent in the prokaryotic cells.  Shape & Size - Saucer & Oval are two common shapes of mitochondria are found in cells. The size of mitochondria is 1-10 0.5 micrometers (µm).  Structure -  Mitochondria is double mem...

Short Notes On Anatomy Of Cockroach

                               Cockroach  Classification -  Phylum - Arthropoda Class - Insecta  Subclass - Pterygota  Order - Orthoptera   Genus & Species - periplaneta americana ( Common Cockroach ) Blatta orientalis  Blatta Germanica (smallest Cockroach )  Features  -  Parental Care is not found in Cockroaches .  The word Cockroach is originated from the spanish word - Cucaracha . They are brown or black bodies animals .  They are belongs to tropical climate of africa .  They are nocturnal omnivores. They have long antenna , legs & flat extension of the upper  body wall that conceal head. Anatomy Of Cockroach -  Digestive  System - The alimentary canal is divided into three parts - forgut , midgut & hindgut. The mouth leads into a pharynx which leads into a narrow pasage called the Oesophagus . The Oesophagus opens i...

साइकॉन केनाल तंत्र का वर्णन

                          Sycon में Canal System Sycon, जिसे Scypha भी कहा जाता है, एक समुद्री जीव है जो आमतौर पर चट्टानों या अन्य सतहों से चिपका हुआ पाया जाता है। इस जीव का शरीर ट्यूब के आकार का होता है, जो एक बड़े छेद के माध्यम से बाहर की ओर खुलता है, जिसे Osculum कहा जाता है। इसके शरीर पर छोटे-छोटे छिद्र होते हैं, जिन्हें Spiracles और Ostia कहा जाता है, जिनके माध्यम से पानी अंदर प्रवेश करता है। यह पानी शरीर के अंदर Canal System से होकर बाहर निकलता है, और यह प्रक्रिया श्वसन के लिए आवश्यक होती है। हम Sycon के Canal System के आकार, इसके महत्व, प्रकार और कार्य के बारे में विस्तार से जानेंगे। Sycon प्रकार का Canal System Porifera (स्पॉन्जेस) जाति का एक अनूठा विशेषता है, जिसे Aquiferous Canal System भी कहा जाता है। यह शरीर के कई महत्वपूर्ण कार्यों जैसे पोषण, श्वसन, उत्सर्जन आदि में सहायक होता है। इतिहास की संक्षिप्त जानकारी स्कॉटलैंड के वैज्ञानिक ग्रांट ने स्पॉन्जेस (Sycon) पर गहरे अध्ययन किए और सबसे पहले Sycon के Canal...

How Sycon is Important in Scientific Research

  The Importance of Sycon in Scientific Research: A Simple Guide for School Students Sycon are one of the oldest organisms on Earth. These small, simple creatures belong to the kingdom  Porifera   and have a very basic body structure. Despite their simplicity, they play an important role in understanding biological evolution and maintaining ocean health. Why Are Sycon So Unique? The body structure of Sycon is remarkably simple. Their bodies are covered in small pores, which allow water to flow through. This water carries oxygen and essential nutrients, while waste is expelled through the same pores. Scientists find it fascinating that such a simple organism can efficiently manage nutrient intake and waste elimination through this system. In addition, Sycon sponges contain special cells known as  choanocytes . These cells help filter food from the water as it passes through the organism. This process, called  filter feeding , is not only vital for the sponge’s ...

Aurelia Aurita: Fascinating Facts About the Moon Jellyfish

  Aurelia Aurita: Fascinating Facts About the  Moon Jellyfish Hello Students! Today, we are going to learn about one of the most interesting and recognizable creatures in the ocean: the jellyfish, or Aurelia aurita , commonly known as the moon jellyfish. Where Are They Found? The moon jellyfish, or Aurelia aurita , can be found in oceans and seas all over the world. They live in both shallow coastal waters and deeper parts of the ocean. Moon Jelly Fish Unique Appearance Moon jellyfish are very special because of their transparent, bell-shaped bodies. Their soft, see-through bodies glow in the water, making them look like floating moons. Inside their bell, you can see their reproductive organs. Because they are nearly invisible, they are hard for predators to spot and often avoid being eaten. An Ancient Creature The Aurelia aurita is one of the oldest creatures in the ocean. They have been around for over 500 million years, long before dinosaurs. This makes them one of the ear...