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Sycon Canal System With Diagram & Significance | Biology Blog

                                     Canal system in Sycon  A sea creature called a sycon, or scypha , is usually found clinging to rocks or other surfaces. These creatures have tube-shaped bodies that open outward with the help of a hole called an Osculum . They have tiny openings called Spiracles and Ostia all over their bodies to let water in. This water flows through canals inside their bodies and comes out through the Osculum, which is a larger opening used for breathing. We'll observe the shape of this canal system, why it is essential for those animals, type of canal system , and  its significance. The Sycon Type Canal system is the unique feature of the phylum Porifera . This system is also known as the  aquiferous canal system . This system supports the significant function of the body like nutrition, respiration, excretion, etc. History Overview -  Grant, a scientist from Scotland, spent a lot of time studying sponges. He was one of the first to really explain how t

Short Answer On Root Anatomy Of Monocot Plants

                                Root Anatomy Of Monocots Plants  H ello   students ! Today we are going to discuss one of the intresting topics of Biology i;e., Monocot Plants . Flowering plants have two categories - monocotyledons and dicotyledons . Monocotyledons is also  knowns as Monocot plants . They are diferent from the dicotyledons (Dicot) plants by some uniques features like they have leaf veins , they have vascular bundles and root system . They have single cotyledons in their seeds and due to this they are different from dicot plants which have double cotyledons in their seeds.  For Example - corn , wheat , rice , barley and banana, they all have single cotyledons in their seeds. On the other hand beans , apple, cherries , tomatoes they all have double cotyledons in their seeds .  In this blog , we will look into anatomy of monocot plants and its various parts and how they help plant in their growth and survival.  Monocots plants roots are fibrous means its very thin and it

Herdmania's Life: Anatomy, Behavior, Reproduction, and Habitat

                             Herdmania  Many different water creatures make their home in the deep and unknown region of the ocean. Each of these species has its own distinct style of surviving and responding. The Herdmania, also known as the stalked sea squirt or sea vase, is one of these intriguing creatures. This amazing marine creature shows us how underwater worlds work by combining its anatomy, behaviors, and habitat in a unique way. Anatomy and Morphology : Herdmania is a sea organism that belongs to the tunicates family, popularly known as "sea squirts." The bodies of these animals are distinctive and unique. Herdmania's tube-shaped body can remind you of a vase or a stem, which is why it is given those titles. The sea squirt's outside is protected by a thick and leathery shell that keeps it safe and durable. Herdmania, a unique sea creature, has an amazing method of cleaning its environment. It contains two tubes that look like straws. One straw draws in wate

DNA Transcription Process | Central Dogma | RNA Polymerase

                                  DNA  Transcription Process  The key to unlocking the vast amount of data stored in our DNA is transcription. Our cells are able to decipher the genetic code and bring it to life thanks to the captivating story, which results in the production of proteins that control the very core of our existence. In this blog, we set out on a trip into the core of transcription, exploring its meaning, its workings, and the enormous effects it has on all living things. Join us as we explore the fascinating field of DNA transcription, where the intricate details of life's story are woven into the fabric of our biological legacy. Genes and DNA: The Building Blocks of Life- DNA, also known as deoxyribonucleic acid, is the genetic information's storage medium in all living things. DNA is made up of nucleotide units, which are each made up of a phosphate group, a deoxyribose sugar molecule, and one of the four nitrogenous bases: adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (

Why Choosing Biology as a Career | Biology Blog

                   Why Choosing Biology as a Career in 11th Class  Welcome, students We're going to explain why you should pursue a career in biology in your 11th grade in this blog. Here, I'll list a few useful justifications.  The study of living things and how they interact with their surroundings is known as biology. It is an intriguing topic that has captured the interest of scholars and scientists for decades. For many reasons, choosing a career in biology can be lucrative and fulfilling. First off, there are numerous career options available in biology. Numerous industries, including biotechnology, environmental conservation, and the medical field, depend on the expertise of biologists. This implies that those who decide to pursue a profession in biology have many possibilities to consider. They can carry out fieldwork, work in a lab, or perhaps decide to become teachers. Second, because biology is a discipline that is always developing, there are always fresh chances

What Is Chromatography- Types & Advantages

                What Is Chromatography Chromatography is a laboratory technique used to separate and analyze the components of a mixture. It involves the use of a stationary phase, such as a solid or a liquid, and a mobile phase, which can be a gas or a liquid. As the mobile phase flows through the stationary phase, the different components of the mixture interact with the stationary phase differently and are separated. Types - There are many types of chromatography, including Gas chromatography -In this chromatography, mobile phase is a gas and the stationary phase is a solid, such as a column packed with a polymer or a layer of silica on a flat surface. Liquid chromatography - In this chromatography ,the mobile phase is a liquid and the stationary phase is either a solid or a liquid. Thin layer chromatography - It is similar to liquid chromatography, but the stationary phase is a thin layer of silica or alumina on a flat surface. Advantages - One of the main advantages of chromat

Parturition and its process with 3 stages

                                                                  Parturition In the world, every woman once wants to get elated with the feeling of motherhood. The desire for a child energizes every woman to pass through a very painful event of pregnancy known as Parturition .  What Is Parturition - Parturition is the biological activity in which the fully mature baby is expelled out from the uterus of the mother's body after the end of the gestation period.   Process of Parturition - The total duration of pregnancy is about 280 days after the last menstruation period of the mother. For the process of parturition, it is important for the baby to get mature which in turn secrets or releases some signals hormones for the expelling out of the baby. After release, this hormone will diffuse into the mother's blood where they cause secretion of the important hormone Oxytocin. Oxytocin stimulates the secretion of the Prostaglandin hormone which simultaneously causes the uterus to c

Different Types Of Aestivation In Plants | Biology Blog

                                                                    Aestivation   The arrangement of sepals or petals in a flower bud with respect to the member of the same whorl is known as  Aestivation. Types - There are generally 5 types of aestivation in flowers - Valvate Aestivation   - This type of aestivation generally seen in  Datura  and  Calotropis  in which the arrangement of speak and petals are such that the margins of the petals remain close to each other or in contact with the next petals. Twisted  Aestivation  -  This type of aestivation is seen in China rose, cotton, etc flowers in which the arrangement of sepals or petals are in a way that the one side of the margins is directed inwards and overlapped while the other margins are directed towards outside and overlap the margins of the adjacent time.  Imbricate Aestivation  - Aestivation in which one sepal or petal is internal and overlapped on both the margins while the other one is external with both of its margins a