Steps Of Glycolysis EMP Pathways - Biology Blog

Glycolysis Cycle Glycolysis is a metabolic pathway that occurs in the cytoplasm of the plant cell that converts glucose into pyruvate. This is the ten-step process and in the whole process, energy is released which is used to form high energy compounds like ATP & NADH. This cycle is also known by the EMP Pathway as Embeden, Mayeroff, and Parnas discovered this process. In the whole process, 8 molecules of ATP are formed. The first step starts with the phosphorylation of glucose, for this Hexokinase enzyme is used. Now after using the enzyme glucose is converted into Glucose 6 Phosphate. In this reaction, ATP molecule is consumed which maintains the transport of glucose molecule into the cell through plasma membrane. The second step is , Glucose 6 Phosphate is rearranged into Fructose 6 Phosphate wit...