Short Notes On Anatomy Of Cockroach

Cockroach Classification - Phylum - Arthropoda Class - Insecta Subclass - Pterygota Order - Orthoptera Genus & Species - periplaneta americana ( Common Cockroach ) Blatta orientalis Blatta Germanica (smallest Cockroach ) Features - Parental Care is not found in Cockroaches . The word Cockroach is originated from the spanish word - Cucaracha . They are brown or black bodies animals . They are belongs to tropical climate of africa . They are nocturnal omnivores. They have long antenna , legs & flat extension of the upper body wall that conceal head. Anatomy Of Cockroach - Digestive System - The alimentary canal is divided into three parts - forgut , midgut & hindgut. The mouth leads into a pharynx which leads into a narrow pasage called the Oesophagus . The Oesophagus opens i...