Klinefelter (XXY )Syndrome - Causes , Symptoms

Klinefelter Syndrome This disorder is occurred due to the presence of additional presence of X chromosomes resulting in 44+ XXY type chromosome complement. This defect is due to the fusion of female gamete ( A + XX ) with normal sperm (A+Y ) or normal egg (A+X ) with abnormal ( A + XY). So these patients have 47 chromosomes instead of 46. Generally the ratio of this disorder maybe 1 in 500 people. The patients of this disorder have a high FSH hormone level and low androgen levels. Also, the chances of breast cancer and osteoporosis are increasing too much in males. Discovery - The disorder is discovered by H. F. Klinefelter in 1942. Symptoms - Infertility Abnormal development of gonads Mental retardedness ...