Carbohydrates Classification , Structure , Sources With Example

Carbohydrate Carbohydrate is one of the main biomolecules present in our body in the form of sugar ( glucose ), starch & fiber. Besides providing energy to all over the body, carbohydrates play a significant role in many cellular activities. Carbohydrates are simply the combination of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen. They are also known as " the derivatives of aldehyde and ketone ." The general formula of carbohydrates is CN(H 2 O)N . In biochemistry the word carbohydrate is known by another name - Saccharide means sugar molecules. On the basis of the composition of sugar, molecules carbohydrate is divided into the following parts - 1. Monosaccharides - Here the word Mono means single& saccharide means sugar molecules & hence the term Monosaccharides. Monosaccharides are the molecu...