What are the Important features of Sycon


Sycon is following the phylum Porifera. They are generally marine in nature and also spongy.   Due to sponginess, they are always attached from the base to the substratum like rocks, glass, coral,  on Mollusc shell. Sycon is generally small just like grain and too soft. Sometimes they are found on the sump . They are also known by many names like pineapple, Q tip sponges, etc. 

Feature -

  • They are generally marine animals.
  • They are diploblastic in nature.
  • The body is covered by two-layer; outer layer is Pinacoderm and the inner one is Choanoderm.
  • Sycon having syconoid type of canal system.
  • Sponges are radially symmetrical.
  • Sponges follow asexual and sexual both types of reproduction.
  • Sponges are hermaphrodite .
  • Spicules are found on its body surface.
  • Sycon does not have any nervous system present on its body, only some neurosensory cells are present.
  • the small pore is present on their whole body known as Ostia.
  • They respire and excrete through the process of diffusion.  

Also Read- Canal System Of Sycon


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