Short Notes On Anatomy Of Cockroach


Cockroach Anatomy

Classification - 

Phylum - Arthropoda

Class - Insecta 

Subclass - Pterygota 

Order - Orthoptera 

Genus & Species -
  • periplaneta americana ( Common Cockroach )
  • Blatta orientalis 
  • Blatta Germanica (smallest Cockroach ) 

Features - 
  • Parental Care is not found in Cockroaches . 

  • The word Cockroach is originated from the spanish word - Cucaracha .

  • They are brown or black bodies animals . 

  • They are belongs to tropical climate of africa . 

  • They are nocturnal omnivores.

  • They have long antenna , legs & flat extension of the upper body wall that conceal head.

Anatomy Of Cockroach - 

Digestive  System - The alimentary canal is divided into three parts - forgut , midgut & hindgut. The mouth leads into a pharynx which leads into a narrow pasage called the Oesophagus . The Oesophagus opens into crop where food is stored . 
Gizzard is present next to crop which helps in grinding the food particles. Gizzard  have presence of six chitinous plates called Teeth , Gastric cacae is present at the junctiom of foregut & midgut which secreted digestive juices for digesting the food. 
Ring of 100-150 yellow coloured thin
malphigian tubules is present at the junction of midgut & hindgut. It helps in removal of excretory products.The hindgut opens outside through Anus.

Flow Chart
Flow Chart of Digestive system of Cockroach.

Blood Vascular System - An open blood vascular system is found in Cockroach, there is an open space(hemocoeal) is present in which visceral organs are located . 
These visceral organs are bathed in
hemolymph which is the blood of a Cockroach . The hemolymph is colourless plasma. The elongated tube is the heart of the Cockroach having many funnels shaped chambers & lies mid - dorsally in the abdomen & thorax. 

labelled diagram of Cockroach Anatomy

Respiratory System - In Cockroach , respiratory systems have a network of Trachea. They open through 10 pairs of spiracles present at the lateral side of the body. These are regulated by Sphincters. Excahnge of gases takes place by diffusion. 

Nervous System - In Cockroach , the nervous system is spread throughout the body . In the head region, only a little bit of the nervous system is present while the majority is situated on the ventral side of the body.
The supra-oesophageal ganglion supplies the nerves to antennae & compund eye. The Sense organs in a cockroach are the antennae , eyes, maxillary palps, labial palps , anal cerci. 

Exceretroy System - The malphigian tublules performs the excretion in a Cockroach,. The ciliated cell that are present lining each tubules , which absorbs the nitrogenous waste products. These are converted into uric acid & excreted out through hindgut. This is the reason why a Cockroach is called Uriotellic

Excretory System Of Cockroach

Reproductive System -  The reproductive system is well developed in both the male & female Cockreoaches. The male reproductive system has a pair of testis that lies in the 4th-6th abdominal system. The reproductive gland is just like mushroom located in the 6th-7th abdominal segments. Phallomere form the external genitellia. 
The female reproductive system has
two large ovaries that are present in the 2nd-6th abdominal segments. Ovary consist of groups of eight ovarian tubules. The fertilized eggs are called Oothecae. Female Cockroches produce around 9-10 Ootheceae which contain around 14 -16 eggs each. 

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