

A sightly change in the sequence of  DNA  which may be transmitted to further generation caused by  the addition  , deletion or alternation of single base of DNA is  known as Mutation .

Classification - Mutation can be classified into two ways

  • Acquired Mutation - The mutation which is not occur in our body but it is acquired from other source are known as Acquired Mutation . For example Ultraviolet rays that sometime cause Cancer in body by mutation in DNA . The only advantage in this type of mutation is that it is not transformed to further generation and  limited in some of the cells of  the body .
  • Hereditary Mutation-  The mutation which is transformed from parents to offspring are known as Hereditary Mutation . When the egg cell and sperm cell unite they form fertilized egg . This fertilized egg receives DNA from both the parent and  if this DNA have mutation then obviously child that grow have mutation in every cells of the body . This type of mutation remains through out the life in person's body and are not recoverable . 

Factor Responsible For Mutation - There are mainly two factor responsible for Mutation -

  •  External Factor - Ultraviolet radiation , Smoking , other radiations are responsible for Mutation .
  • Internal Factor -    Error in DNA replication can cause Mutation  in a body .

Types Of Mutation -  Mutation have several types . They are described below -

  • Deletion - This type of Mutation occur when their is deletion of  one or two nucleotide from a single base of  a chromosome or their is deletion of sequence of DNA in DNA replication .
  • Insertion - When there is addition of one or more nucleotide in a sequence of DNA are known as Insertion Mutation . 
  • Frameshift - This type of mutation occur due to insertion or deletion of number of nucleotide in a DNA sequence that are not divisible by three .
  • Missence -  Missence mutation is that mutation in which a single nucleotide change can result in a different codon which code for different amino acids .
  • Point - Point mutation  results when there is change in single base pair in DNA Sequence .
  • Nonsense - When there is single change in the base sequence of DNA that does not code for any amino acids and lead to the protein product that is early truncated .

  • Silent - Silent mutation do not alter the sequence of amino acids and the resulting protein is remain functional .

Example Of Some Genetics Diseases Occur Due To Mutation -

Sickle Cell Anemia - This is the hereditary type of anemia in which the red blood cell become irregular in shape or sickle shape and carry less oxygen to the body . If the both parents have this type of disease then definitely their child suffer from this disease .

Hemophilia -  This is the inherited type of disease in which the blood can't clot properly and their is a excessive bleeding occur when there is a any type of injury . This type of disease can't be cured but some medical treatments helps a lot . The symptoms of this disease are joint pain and swelling , unexplained bleeding and bleeding in the urine .


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