Biology 12th Class Question Bank : Part 3

                                            Sheet - 3

  • What is Hardy Weinberg equation ?
  • Explain ecological pyramid with examples .
  • Write the silent feature of genetic code .
  • Explain the process of DNA Fingerprinting .
  • What are cry proteins ? name the organism that produce it .
  • Explain Watson crick model of DNA .
  • Explain gene therapy .
  • What is golden rice .
  • Describe the process involved in plant breeding .
  • Explain Harshey and Chase experiment of DNA .
  • What is totipotency ? explain micro propogation and somaclonal hybridization .
  • Light on Darwin theory of evolution .
  • Why is the offspring formed by asexual reproduction referred to as a clone ?
  • Write the difference between asexual and sexual reproduction .
  • An orchid plant is growing on the branch of mango tree . How do you describe the interaction between the orchid plant and the mango tree ?


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