What The Doctor Say About Cord Blood Banking

                                  Cord Blood Banking 

 A few years back,    the doctor throws away  the cord  after the delivery of a baby from the  body  of  the mother by means of waste material but now it is known to be a useful source of  blood stem cell . Cord blood is used to treat many genetic and other  disorder of the baby as well as whole family .

The delivering baby contains blood in umbilical cord and placenta .  This blood is rich in  the haematopoietic cell , the cell  can able to turn into any type of blood cell weather it would be red cell ,white cell or platelets .  These  haematopoietic cells are sorted out from the blood of the cord and able to produce blood cell throughout the life of a person .

Now a days every hospital of India ask the future parents for preserving  cord blood  for further use in treating leukemia , genetic disorder ad blood cell -  related diseases of his family .



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