Types Of Meiosis in sexually reproducing Individuals

                                    Types of Meiosis 

Meiosis and fertilization are the two important aspects of sexually reproducing organisms. A in every sexual producing individual fertilization and the process of meiosis are the two alternative phases of life and through this, they maintaining the constant number of chromosomes from one organism to another.  Although fertilization and meiosis timing may vary in species to species the process is common in all sexually reproducing organisms.
 so,  on these basis meioses can be of three types -

  • Gametic 
  • zygotic 
  • sporogenic 

Gametic - Gametic type of meiosis occurs in the formation of gamete which is haploid in nature. The gamete further gives rise to a diploid zygote. This zygote by mitotic division changed into an organism.  This type of division is generally seen in humans.

Zygotic  -   Zygotic type of meiosis is generally seen in algae and fungi where meiosis division does not occur during gamete formation and in zygote development but after the formation of the zygote, meiosis process started.

  • Sporogenic -    In some plant species and some species of algae the multicellular body called sporophyte by meiotic division produces spores. This spores further division changed into a multicellular gametophyte. The cells of gametophyte give rise to gamete by mitotic division. The two haploid gametes then fuse and form a diploid zygote which develops into the next sporophyte generation. 


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