convolascent plasma therapy for cornonavirus

Hello guys!

 The elevating cases of corona in the world forced researchers to discover antibiotics.  scientists experimenting and researching continuously to develop vaccines or therapy that may help to beat the corona crisis.

So, one of the therapies that doctors believe to experiment on patients is plasma therapy. Plasma is a watery fluid of the blood. This plasma is consists of corpuscles and thrombocytes in addition to that plasma also contains some proteins (immunoglobulin) which produce antibodies.
Our body works on the principle of the immune system. The basic principle of the immune system is that it forms antibodies against any foreign antigen that enters the body. Our immune system memorizes this antigen and this is called the primary response. If the second time again this same antigen comes into the body by any means then our antibody recognizes it and neutralizes this foreign antigen.  This principle is becoming helpful for experimenting against coronavirus.

If any person recovered from this virus then the plasma of that person can be used to fight against this virus. These antibodies can be used to treat more patients who are suffering from this virus. The antibody memorizes this foreign antigen and neutralizes the virus. In this way, we could save multiple person' life suffered from covid-19.

Related Links  - Things to know about coronavirus 

                           Impact of coronavirus on mental health 

Past history of this therapy
  • This therapy is recommended by the WHO in treating the Ebola virus.
  • In 2015, this therapy is used in treating middle East respiratory disease which is also caused due to coronavirus
  • At the time of the Spanish flu, this therapy was used experimentally.
  • At the time of SARS, this therapy showed a good effect. 
Plasma therapy in present - Convalescent plasma therapy is explored by China and try it on some patients and they revealed that the patient showing improvement in recovery was noticed and all of them later on discharged. This exploration was published by China in the Journal of American Medical Association. 
However, this process in under trial as the research utters that there is some unknown right that needs to resolve out like in what quantity doses will work as antibodies? At what stage of illness it will be given to the patient? Are some reasons that will need to be addressed.


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