Things to know about pandemic disease coronavirus : Biology Blog
Coronavirus is an infectious disease that is spreading rapidly all over the world. More than 20 lakh people of the world have been affected by this virus and incoming time its chances of increase will be more. It is coming from the Wuhan, the capital of China on 29 December 2019 and since then it is spreading more fastly.
Symptoms - Fever, cold, cough, fatigue, diarrhea are general symptoms of this virus. Older people and the child under 10 years of age are prone to this pandemic disease. The symptoms of this disease will appear between two to fourteen days. The people having a pre-existing disease like cancer, respiratory problems and diabetes have more risk to get the infection.
Mode of transmission - This virus is inactive until they do not get any host body to replicate their genome. After entering into the host body they first attach to the respiratory system and block the system, a consequence of that person feel some cough problem. The virus lives here for some days and multiplies their copy and after that slowly affects the whole body and then the person feels muscular pain and then fever is resulted out.

Similarly, if the person touches the contaminated surface and then touches their mouth, nose, and ear then this virus gets its way to enter into mouth. This virus is active on the surface up to 72 hrs.
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Preventive measures to adopt -
- Always use the mask to cover your mouth and nose area.
- Avoid close contact with the affected person.
- If for any reason or unknowingly you come in contact with the person having symptoms then isolate yourself for a minimum of 14 days.
- Follow social distancing.
- Stay at home.
- Regular drink warm water at least once in a day.
- Wash your hands with soaps at least 20 times a day.
- Use sanitizer.

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