Explain transgenic animals and ethical issues : Biology Blog

                             Transgenic Animals & ethical issues 

Hello guys!

on this blog, we are going to discuss what are the transgenic animals and what are the issues related to that. So, guys, transgenic animals are those animals that have their DNA  manipulated so that the extra foreign gene can be expressed. There are multiple examples of transgenic animals like sheep, cows, mice, rats, etc.

Reasons for developing transgenic animals -  

  • To the understanding of gene regulation and their effect on normal physiology of the animal and its development. For example, we can study various growth factors.
  • The study of the disease can be done by studying genes, which are responsible for causing disease in human and their treatments.
  • Biological products can be produced by introducing the portion of DNA, which codes for a particular product into transgenic animals. For example - human protein ( alpha-antitrypsin ) is used to treat emphysema.
  • Rosie, the first transgenic cow was produced in 1997 for the purpose of producing protein-enriched milk. This milk contain the human alpha - lactoalbumin and was nutritionally balanced for human babies.
  • For testing vaccine.
  • For testing chemical safety transgenic animals are required.
Method representation -

Ethical issues -

  • When this type of organism is exposed to the environment , there are chances of unpredictable results.
  • The modification/usage of living organisms for public service has also created problems with patents granted for the same.
  • In order to control these issues. the Indian government has set up an organisation such as GEAC, which makes a decision regarding the validity of genetically modified research and the safety of introducing GM organisms for public services.  


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