What is Commensalism : Biology Blog


Commensalism is the interaction between two species where one species is benefitted and the other is neither harmed nor benefitted. Mostly this type of phenomenon happened in one larger community and one smaller one. We can understand this by taking some examples like -

  • an orchid growing as an epiphyte on a mango tree. Orchids get shelter and nutrition from the mango tree, while the mango tree is neither benefitted nor harmed.
  • Sea- anemone has stinging tentacles and the clownfish live among them. The fish get protection from predators, which stay away from the stinging tentacles. The anemone does not appear to derive any benefits by hosting the clownfish.
  • The Monarch butterfly stores poison chemicals from the milkweed plant in its body. the chemicals make other animals who might eat the monarch butterfly sick. So the butterfly uses the milkweed for protection. 


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