Octopus : General Feature


Classification -                                               
 Kingdom - Animalia
Phylum - Mollusca
Class-   Cephalopoda
Order - Octopoda 
 Sub- order -  Incirrinus
Genus - Octopus 

Commonly name - Devil fish or Octopus .

Habitat -   They live in depth of shallow and coastal water .

General Feature -

  •      They are  soft bodied , eight limbed , marine animals .
  •     They follow radial symmetry .
  •     Octopus are unisexual .
  •    Octopus has three chambered closed circulatory system .
  •    Octopus has highly complex nervous system with a central brain and large number of ganglion  .
  •     They  do not have any skeleton in their body ; only muscles are present in whole body .
  •     Octopus contain venom  which is used to inject the prey for making them immobilize . The venom they injected is so powerful that it  kill the person in less than 30 minute .
  •    They are carnivores .
  •     They can camouflage themselves to get protection from predators .
  •      They respire through gills .
  •     They have external fertlisation .
  •     Octopus have two nephridia for excretory system .
  •     They have well developed digestive system with the mouth , pharynx , radula and salivary glands .     



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